A new significant gift from the Bridging Hope Charity Foundation (BHCF) will support the first philanthropy funded Research Fellow position at The Big Anxiety Research Centre.
Creative Precinct artist Abdul Abdullah has had an eventful few months.
On 15 August 2019, Bridging Hope Charity Foundation was proud to support Lifeline at the annual Chairman’s Lunch at Hyatt Regency Hotel in Sydney, for the third consecutive year.
Caroline Rothwell is a multidisciplinary, concept driven artist whose work explores ecology, nature, poetic and political ideology through process and form.
A contemporary response to the Cunningham Dax Collection, a historical and contemporary collection of works produced by people with a lived experience of mental health issues, opens at Contact Sheet in June 2019.
The other three foundations also awarded donations were: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Weave Youth and Communities, and Charlie Teo Foundation.
Yang Yongliang exploits a connection between traditional art and the contemporary, implementing ancient oriental aesthetics and literati beliefs with modern language and digital techniques.
Held in the TWT Creative Precinct, the aim was to raise awareness, remember those lost to suicide, and unite in a commitment to prevent further deaths by suicide.